AAD Personal Token in requests with VS Code

March 9, 2021

Quite recently Microsoft finally gave us RBAC roles for data plane access to Cosmos, this means that we now can use MSI to access data in Cosmos. So what’s it all about? Well the best part is that we now can grant access to resources rather than using keys. This increases security and accessability since we don’t need to manage the key any more and only specific resources can access our data. When we have switched to RBAC as the authentication method we can switch off the possibility to access data with primary/secondary keys,read more here.

So how do we do this? Here is a guide from Microsoft on how to use MSI with an Azure Function. And we will in this post use the same technique but from API Mangement to show the potential.


First we need to grant the specific roles to our API Management identity. The role we want to assing is the Cosmos DB Built-in Data Reader. This role has read access and that matches our Least Previliges thinking, since when we only want to expose read operations we should only have read access. Adding this role is not as straight forward as I would like it, they are not possible to set via the Azure Portal yet. So we need to do some PowerShell scripting. Fortunally all scripts needed can be found at the Microsoft docs on How to setup RBAC for Cosmos DB. I would recomend looking in there since they also provide how to create your own custom role definitions.

Anyway let’s get started and we need this script:

$resourceGroupName = "<myResourceGroup>"
$accountName = "<myCosmosAccount>"
$readOnlyRoleDefinitionId = "<roleDefinitionId>" # as fetched above
$principalId = "<aadPrincipalId>"
New-AzCosmosDBSqlRoleAssignment -AccountName $accountName `
   -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
   -RoleDefinitionId $readOnlyRoleDefinitionId `
   -Scope "/" `
   -PrincipalId $principalId

Let’s get the parameters, first we get the cosmos values, the resource group and the account name of the Cosmos instance ($resourceGroupName,$accountName) both marked in circles.

Then as we saw at the Built in role definitions the role with name Cosmos DB Built-in Data Reader has Id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001

Last we need the principal id of our Api Management instance (this could be any identity created for any resource). We go to the Managed Identity in our API Management instance. There we can collect the Object (principal) ID.

Get APIM Managed Identity Prinipal Id

So the script ends up like this: (Make sure to run the latest az version)

$resourceGroupName = "microservice"
$accountName = "mlogdberg"
$principalId = "c7b89cc3-1b27-474b-9575-cdcbc51dffcc"
$readOnlyRoleDefinitionId = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" # as fetched from definition list
az cosmosdb sql role assignment create --account-name $accountName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --scope "/" --principal-id $principalId --role-definition-id $readOnlyRoleDefinitionId

After this we are ready to start quering, I did a simple request that collects all documents in a specific partion. This can ofcourse be expanded but this is bare minimum what is needed in the API Managemenet Policy.

Some good to know things:

<base />
<set-variable name="requestDateString" value="@(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r"))" />
<authentication-managed-identity resource="" output-token-variable-name="msi-access-token" ignore-error="false" />
<set-header name="Authorization" exists-action="override">
<value>@("type=aad&ver=1.0&sig=" + context.Variables["msi-access-token"])</value>
<set-header name="x-ms-date" exists-action="override">
<set-header name="x-ms-version" exists-action="override">
<set-header name="x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition" exists-action="override">
<set-header name="x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey" exists-action="override">
<rewrite-uri template="/dbs/staging/colls/order/docs/" copy-unmatched-params="false" />

Now we shall be able to send a request,

Result request

Troubelshooting tips:

Request blocked by Auth

Before the setup is completed you will get this kind of respose trying to call the cosmos rest api.

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
content-type: application/json
   "code": "Unauthorized",
   "message": "Request blocked by Auth mlogdberg : No AAD tenant is trusted by this database account. Please create atleast one Role Assignment prior to making an AAD-based request.\r\nActivityId: 31a968bf-7652-4434-abd9-5113ea0655ae, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/2.14.0"

Partition key 1 is invalid.

The header x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey is important and when badly configured these kind of errors is sent back, the expected format is a json array of strings, if your partion is “1” the header should have value [“1”] (like my example). You can find your partionkey from browsing your collection.

Browsing collection to find partionkey
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-type: application/json
   "code": "BadRequest",
   "message": "Partition key 1 is invalid.\r\nActivityId: 6bccbf25-657b-4a71-af92-b3e998f0490a, \r\nRequestStartTime: 2021-11-21T18:24:18.9692549Z, RequestEndTime: No response recorded; Current Time: 2021-11-21T18:24:18.9792812Z,  Number of regions attempted:1\r\n{\"systemHistory\":[{\"dateUtc\":\"2021-11-21T18:23:09.7385423Z\",\"cpu\":8.902,\"memory\":58190802944.000,\"threadInfo\":{\"isThreadStarving\":\"False\",\"threadWaitIntervalInMs\":0.012,\"availableThreads\":32761,\"minThreads\":40,\"maxThreads\":32767}},{\"dateUtc\":\"2021-11-21T18:23:19.7586326Z\",\"cpu\":7.062,\"memory\":56609513472.000,\"threadInfo\":{\"isThreadStarving\":\"False\",\"threadWaitIntervalInMs\":0.0161,\"availableThreads\":32764,\"minThreads\":40,\"maxThreads\":32767}},{\"dateUtc\":\"2021-11-21T18:23:29.7687307Z\",\"cpu\":5.752,\"memory\":56766377984.000,\"threadInfo\":{\"isThreadStarving\":\"False\",\"threadWaitIntervalInMs\":0.0173,\"availableThreads\":32765,\"minThreads\":40,\"maxThreads\":32767}},{\"dateUtc\":\"2021-11-21T18:23:49.7689519Z\",\"cpu\":5.634,\"memory\":57133617152.000,\"threadInfo\":{\"isThreadStarving\":\"False\",\"threadWaitIntervalInMs\":0.0145,\"availableThreads\":32765,\"minThreads\":40,\"maxThreads\":32767}},{\"dateUtc\":\"2021-11-21T18:23:59.7790729Z\",\"cpu\":5.298,\"memory\":57189658624.000,\"threadInfo\":{\"isThreadStarving\":\"False\",\"threadWaitIntervalInMs\":0.0125,\"availableThreads\":32765,\"minThreads\":40,\"maxThreads\":32767}},{\"dateUtc\":\"2021-11-21T18:24:09.7891858Z\",\"cpu\":8.835,\"memory\":56394321920.000,\"threadInfo\":{\"isThreadStarving\":\"False\",\"threadWaitIntervalInMs\":0.0193,\"availableThreads\":32764,\"minThreads\":40,\"maxThreads\":32767}}]}\r\n, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/2.14.0"

Rich Text

A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action. There is no magic formula to write perfect ad copy; it is based on a number of factors, including ad placement, demographic, even the consumer’s mood when they see your ad. 

Simple & Powerful Template

So how is any writer supposed to pen a stunning piece of advertising copy — copy that sizzles and sells? The following tips will jumpstart your creative thinking and help you write a better ad. Consumers are inundated with ads, so it’s vital that your ad catches the eye and immediately grabs interest. 

This is a free photo from Unsplash

You could do this with a headline or slogan (such as VW’s “Drivers Wanted” campaign), color or layout (Target’s new colorful, simple ads are a testimony to this) or illustration (such as the Red Bull characters or Zoloft’s depressed ball and his ladybug friend).  All good advertising copy is comprised of the same basic elements. 

Infinite Possibilities

How you write your advertising copy will be based on where you will place your ad. If it’s a billboard ad, you’ll need a super catchy headline and simple design due to the speed at which people will pass. Online ads are similar; consumers are so inundated with Internet advertising that your ad must be quick and catchy. 

"Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action. There is no magic formula to write perfect ad copy."

What would the consumer gain by using your product or service? This could be tangible, like a free gift; prestige, power or fame. But remember: you must be able to make good on that promise, so don’t offer anything unreasonable.

Unordered List:

Magazine advertising is the most versatile, but this is solely dependent on the size of your ad and how many other ads compete with yours. If you have a full page ad, feel free to experiment; more page space gives you more creative space. If the ad is tiny, you’ll need to keep things as simple as possible.

Ordered List:
  1. Beautifully Designed
  2. Fully Responsive
  3. CMS Content
  4. Smooth Interactions

So how is any writer supposed to pen a stunning piece of advertising copy — copy that sizzles and sells? The following tips will jumpstart your creative thinking and help you write a better ad. Consumers are inundated with ads, so it’s vital that your ad catches the eye and immediately grabs interest. 

A Perfect Webflow Template

Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough; you have to keep that attention for at least a few seconds. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.


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June 4, 2022

Using MSI in APIM to Cosmos

Tempora et est quos. Quisquam saepe quae sint est et nulla consequuntur vero. Nobis tempore eos. Magnam sed et vitae ut sed voluptas consequatur. Molestiae voluptate incidun

Azure Functions
December 7, 2020

Oauth Token generation with Postman

Tempora et est quos. Quisquam saepe quae sint est et nulla consequuntur vero. Nobis tempore eos. Magnam sed et vitae ut sed voluptas consequatur. Molestiae voluptate incidun